Friday, July 15, 2011

Warning: I am a nerd

The day has finally arrived.  Sorry folks, but I started reading these books when I was 13 years old.  My mother took me to see the first movie when I was in high school (because I didn't want any of my friends to know that I was into the Harry Potter series).  Now that I am older I am much more open with my love for the series.  And, I even got the husband into them.  The movies anyway, because they are just really good films.  I am unable to go to the midnight showings because I have a job to go in the mornings so I have to wait until this evening.  Is it 7:30 yet???  

Alas, I don't dress up in the costumes nor do I make t-shirts.  My mother and I get there early to make sure we snag a good seat and have popcorn, candy and soda for dinner.  Super healthy I know, but these movies only premiere so many times and now it's the end.
I know I will be crying, I am a cryer.  But I am very much looking forward to it.  I am also looking forward to hanging out with one of my besties at the pool all day tomorrow, ah I love the pool!  Have a wonderful weekend everyone!