Friday, November 18, 2011

Stocking Stuffers for the Dudes

So when it comes to filling up those Christmas socks of joyful surprises for the husband I always challenge myself to top the year before.  Trying to remember any little thing he has said in the past about items he enjoys using or would like to try.  That way when he sticks his hand in the stocking, he will be pulling out thoughtful and useful gifts!  And I'm sure he puts the same amount of thoughtfulness and time as I do (yeah right).  
Man + Stocking = Mocking
I thought I would share some ideas to help spark some stocking stuffer inspiration when it comes to shopping for the man in your life.
Whiskey Stones
For the whiskey bourbon drinker in your life.  These handy stones are made in Vermont and allow the bourbon to be enjoyed minus the watered down effect from melting ice cubes.  These are for true consumer's that do not want their whiskey tainted with water.  Just place these bad boys in the freezer for 4 hours before using and place in glass, pouring whiskey over.   Follow up with cigar and discussion of manly ideals and politics.  Us little ladies must stay in the kitchen. 
Mini Bottle of Woodford Reserve
To go along with his new stones, a mini-bar bottle of his favorite booze perhaps.  My hubby loves Woodford and Knob Creek.

Burt's Bees Men's Kit
My husband loves Burt's Bees Natural Aftershave.  Problem is, we cannot find it ANYWHERE!  So I'm going to order online to put in his stocking (from Amazon or Macy's).  While looking for the aftershave I came across this great kit that includes body wash, soap, shave cream, cologne and aftershave.  Great for traveling or everyday use.  These natural products are great for sensitive skin too.
BR's Black Walnut Cologne
Small versions of their favorite colognes are great for stockings.  When my husband travels he reaches for the small cologne bottles to put in his shave kit bag.  He also likes to keep one in our "catch-all" by the door so he can dab on some smell good on his way out the door.  I also like to add some samples of new scents for him to try throughout the year.  That way if there are any you both particularly like this gives new ideas for birthday presents and future Christmas gifts.

The building blocks of life.
My husband is a lot like a kid still, we don't have any of our yet so I'll buy the fun toys for him for now.  I like to put little toys that take him back to his childhood.  Like a Ninja Turtle action figure, hot wheels car or our favorite Lego's! Lego's makes small kits to build cars, airplanes, etc. that come in small bags or boxes and these are great for stockings.
iPhone Case from J. Crew
Or how about a super new and cool AND manly iPhone case.  
Candy is a big hit at our house when it comes to stockings!  My husband's absolute favorite is chocolate and peanut butter (Reese cups are his passion) in any combination.  I'm thinking about making home-made chocolate and peanut butter bars to put in his stocking as a little personal touch.  I truly believe the way to a man's heart is through is stomach, although don't let that stomach get too big.  haha!  But I think if you make their favorite candy, they'll love it so much more than if it were store bought.  The trick is to make it without you eating every morsel or having him find it!

There are also great "go-to's" that I keep in my back pocket every year, such as: iTunes gift cards, chewing gum, trouser socks and chapstick.  But it's those presents that show you listen and know what he likes and what he loves that make the stocking.  Happy Holiday Shopping!  I'll post more on gift giving ideas soon!

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